

Hello, my name is Lorelle.

Welcome to my blog! I’m a New Jersey native recently returned from the wonderful city of Philadelphia, with a background in graphic design, marketing, and administration. I followed my intuition and earned my Master of Science in Information and Library Science, and couldn’t be more excited about my library career journey.

The purpose of this blog is to share openly and honestly about the work behind the work that makes librarians (and libraries) more valuable than ever. Thank you for joining me on this journey!


Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Master of Science in Information and Library Science, 2020

Select coursework:

  • Information Technology

  • Reference Services

  • Adult and Teen Programming

  • Reader's Advisory Services

  • Collection Development

  • Library Administration and Management

  • Instructional Strategies for Librarians


  • Awarded 2020 Dr. Ahmad Gamaluddin Memorial Scholarship

Select Accomplishments

  • Enthusiastically providing customer service in professional and retail settings for over 8 years.

  • Developing advanced proficiencies in information technology and its applications.

  • Creating attractive visual graphics to promote the Free Library of Philadelphia and other community organizations.

Professional Development

WebJunction Trainings

  • Meeting the Unique Needs of Teens

  • Innovative and Engaging Teen Programming

  • Fun, Easy, and Inexpensive Teen Nights

  • Reader’s Advisory Services

  • Basic PC Troubleshooting

American Library Association Midwinter 2021 Virtual Summit

  • Core Top Technology Trends

  • Anti-Racism Work and Women in Librarianship

  • Libraries and Communities Response to COVID-19

  • Navigating Advocacy in a Virtual World

  • Prioritizing the Patron Journey: Bridging the Gap Between Newbie and Fierce Library Advocate

  • The Future of Trust in the Age of the Twin Pandemics of COVID-19 and Racial Injustice

  • Using ‘Libraries Transform’ for Public Awareness and Advocacy

  • Work Smarter, Not Harder: Public Library Data Resources and Tools for Planning, Improvement, and Advocacy

American Library Association Midwinter 2020 Virtual Summit

  • Serving the Transgender Community

  • Suggesting Own Voices

  • Leadership at All Levels

  • Library Advocacy

  • New Discoveries in Reference

  • Retaining Minority Librarians

  • Are the Kids Okay? How Libraries Can Use Literature to Help Kids Navigate Socioemotional Stress

  • Stories from Beyond U.S. Borders

  • Latinx Family Engagement

  • Libraries and the Disenfranchised

  • Circulating Optimism

Library 2.0 Webinars

  • Library Safety and Security 2020

  • Interacting with the Homeless

  • Library Advocacy: Everyday Marketing Tools and Techniques

  • Stress Management for Library Staff

  • Sexual Harassment of Library Staff

  • Responding to an Active Shooter in the Library

  • How to Handle Challenging Patrons

ALA Public Programs Office Trainings

  • Media Literacy in the Library: Meeting Patrons Where They Are

  • Media Literacy for Adults: Misinformation and Disinformation

  • Media Literacy for Adults: Architecture of the Internet